Tuesday, November 18, 2008


  • Science is unable to tell us why the Universe came into being
  • Science is unable to explain why there are scientific or natural laws, or why they are so consistent and dependable
  • Science cannot explain why the Universe is so amazingly fine-tuned to support intelligent life on our planet
  • Science cannot explain why as human beings we are persons and not merely objects
  • Science can tell us nothing about why the mind exists and functions as it does
  • Science can add nothing to the inner quality of life
  • Science cannot define or explain ethical principles
  • Science is not able to answer life's deepest questions

(with thanks to the excellent, concise little book "Evolution" by James Napier, in the current "Teach Yourself" series of books on various scientific subjects)

The Bible, however, offers a succinct reason for existence: "In the Beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Gen. 1:1 (Is God finished "creating"? I do not think so...)

And the conversation goes on...



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