As the US Presidential election rhetoric heats up this summer and our big "national decision" looms this Nov. 4, it would pay us all to spend some time researching timeless ideas, philosophical and economic precepts, and sage advice from history that reflect light on our ethical ideals. Why not have an idea of WHY we vote the way we do? What are the underlying ethics of the candidates and parties? What are the identifiable critical assumptions and ideals of the candidates? What it is that we actually BELIEVE - and WHY?
It is incredibly annoying to me to hear so much drivel on cable news programs about "what a good speaker" Obama is, or the fact that John McCain is "old," or shallow things like this. As regards both candidates, few are commenting on what these individuals truly BELIEVE; what are the foundations (as expressed in philosophical and intellectual history, for instance - one of the main themes of my Blog) of these beliefs, and how do they stand the test of time? Hint: you might want to take a look at Obama's Chicago church (now, cleverly, the "former church") and the hateful rhetoric coming from the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright for years; not to mention Obama's associations with brain dead wretches like Bill Ayers, Compare all of that with a man of honor like John McCain...
I wonder if we in the US will ever get over the silly stuff like: gee, he "looks good," or "speaks well," or "looks presidential," or "brings JFK to mind," etc. = you fill in the blank of trite expressions.
I recently came across a brilliant little something from Abraham Lincoln here in my office, something I had long ago snipped out of a church bulletin. I believe this thing was originally entitled the "Ten Cannots," though in my version I have only nine.
1.) You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
2.) You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
3.) You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
4.) You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
5.) You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
6.) You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. (emphasis mine)
7.) You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
8.) You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
9.) You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should be doing for themselves.
Timeless wisdom - for both (and all) political parties - and thoughts to reflect upon as we embark on what is sure to be one of the most important elections in our recent history.
It is incredibly annoying to me to hear so much drivel on cable news programs about "what a good speaker" Obama is, or the fact that John McCain is "old," or shallow things like this. As regards both candidates, few are commenting on what these individuals truly BELIEVE; what are the foundations (as expressed in philosophical and intellectual history, for instance - one of the main themes of my Blog) of these beliefs, and how do they stand the test of time? Hint: you might want to take a look at Obama's Chicago church (now, cleverly, the "former church") and the hateful rhetoric coming from the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright for years; not to mention Obama's associations with brain dead wretches like Bill Ayers, Compare all of that with a man of honor like John McCain...
I wonder if we in the US will ever get over the silly stuff like: gee, he "looks good," or "speaks well," or "looks presidential," or "brings JFK to mind," etc. = you fill in the blank of trite expressions.
I recently came across a brilliant little something from Abraham Lincoln here in my office, something I had long ago snipped out of a church bulletin. I believe this thing was originally entitled the "Ten Cannots," though in my version I have only nine.
1.) You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
2.) You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
3.) You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
4.) You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
5.) You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
6.) You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. (emphasis mine)
7.) You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
8.) You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
9.) You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should be doing for themselves.
Timeless wisdom - for both (and all) political parties - and thoughts to reflect upon as we embark on what is sure to be one of the most important elections in our recent history.